Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Welcome to my official unofficial blog about everything cocktail...In an attempt to enlighten libation lovers about the beauty of a well-mixed, flavorful, and well-balanced cocktail...Consider it the Hitchhiker's Guide to Mixology from a passionate local bartender's point of view...If you like what you read, then jump online and pickup a copy of my book titled "The Cocktail Rediscovered" and look for a new book in the very near future...

Please check back often as I will be updating the blog three times per week...I will feature a cocktail of the week and offer advice on everything under the sun relating to the cocktail world...Please spread the word by telling your friends and family...You can find me moonlighting at Buddha Buddha Martini & Cocktail Bar in Harrisburg, PA

Cheer-fully yours, Michael Nagy